Sunday, October 14, 2007

It has been a fall of celebrations! Molly turned TWO in early September and last Friday marked a year of being implanted. I’m not exactly sure where this year went. We must have been on over-drive with all the changes that were taking place in Molly’s life. She is now such a big girl and full of life. Busy, Busy, Busy and into everything like a normal 2 yr old. Plus she continues to test us each day with her strong will.

Molly has finally realized that it is far more exciting to have mom/dad read to her than to sit and look at books alone. This is a good thing for me now that I am in my 8th month of pregnancy. I know that reading will help expand her auditory memory.

She has recently been very interested in colors, shapes, letters and numbers. Seems age appropriate, huh? She can say yellow, green and pink (not perfectly) and has a sound (not quite identifiable) for most of the other colors. We were taking Molly up to bed the other night and I was saying "A B C D" and Molly followed by saying "E F G". We were both stunned! Guess we don’t realize all that she is taking in and remembering. Repetition is paying off!


Misty said...

Congratulations (a little late) on your pregnancy. I didn't know you were expecting! Hope you have been feeling well!

KCC said...

Yay for Molly! Yay for all of you with new baby a month away? Thank you for keeping us posted. We ourselves will leave for Honolulu in a month to celebrate Thanksgiving there. The plan is that I stay behind to deliver there (in order to have a VBAC--they don't do those on our island.)

mitzi said...

Molly and family,

I just love reading about your progress. You are an amazing girl. I know you will be a great big sister!
