Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New phase in Molly's world:
~She has finally decided to say " yeah" as her answer to all of our yes/no questions. Seems hypocritical to correct her with a "yes" when we find ourselves saying "yeah" all the time.
~When we ask her "what does a cow (or any animal) say?", she immediately responds with the appropriate animal noise. Great way to get her to talk in public.
~Molly jabbers on and on to herself, to her toys and to us (with all kinds of hand movements and facial expressions). Makes perfect sense to her, but we can barely make out any of the words. Seems like a great foundation to building sentences.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Last week I met a mom with a one year old recently diagnosed with deafness . We were in the audiology waiting room and they were waiting to have him fitted with hearing aids. I was reminded of the constant battle of trying to keep the aids in Molly's ears, not to mention a gentle dose of her prior screaming. I dug up this video clip of Molly at 7 months. This is for you Jennifer!!! :)