Monday, October 15, 2007

Could this be another reason why we are saving Molly's second ear for new technology??? Check out this new research on how to simulate hearing via infrared laser radiation. Will be pretty wild to see what's next.


Russell Raymer said...

It is exciting to see the possibilities in the future. We continue to pray that the Lord will give you wisdom in rearing Molly. Please keep us updated on any new info you find on these new technologies.
Debbie, Russell & Carena

Anonymous said...

Dear Robyn,

I had a computer glitch and an old email of your popped up onto my screen. It allowed me to go to your blog. What a joy to see such a beautiful face smiling back at me. Glad to read everything is going well.

I am experiencing a wave of emotions as I read through all your postings. The video of Molly eating her hearing aids reminded me that we have a ear mold somewhere in the back of our woods...AJ in a fit of rage through it as far away as his 2 year old arms could throw. It is hard to believe he turned 11 yesterday!

You mentioned being 8 months pregnant. May God grant you peace, endurance and nights without too many trips to the bathroom. Your holidays will be full of so much joy as the only thing better than watching a 2 year old at Christmas is doing it with a precious newborn in arms.


Margy Delposen