Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kids are unbelievably resilient! It is day 5, post-surgery and Molly is definitely back to her usual self. She had discomfort in her left ear and around the incision for a couple days. The area around the incision has had minimal swelling and bruising, however that ear has been swollen enough to stick out. If you would like to see her incision and partial mohawk, click here. Mike was VERY pleased with the surgeon’s work, but it made me a bit queasy to look at and touch (keeping it moist with vaseline).

A number of people have asked us if she is able to hear now. So I guess I should explain a little bit about how the process works. The small device that was implanted is simply the "rewiring" to her hearing nerve. It replaces the structures she was born with that don’t work. After the surgery site heals (typically 3-4 weeks), the external device (which includes a microphone and sound processor) is attached at our follow-up visit with her Audiologist. I’ll also explain that the sound that goes into the microphone is converted, in the processor, to digital sound/coded signals that are transmitted through the implant to her hearing nerve. Yes, Pretty AMAZING!


Russell Raymer said...

We are so glad that Molly is feeling more like herself. We are very interested to know how she reacts when the device is activated and she hears new sounds!
Our prayers continue to be with you all.
Debbie, Russell & Carena

Stephanie said...

Greetings from the wandering Conads!
So glad to hear that things are going well. We are wondering, though - when the device is activated, does it get turned on all at once, or does the volume get increased gradually?
We're still praying!
Steph & Gary

Anonymous said...

hi this is val your missed neighbor!! i got an email from cheryl that was from you. my mom, mark and i have been reading molly's blog. it brought me to tears i am so happy for all of you. and i miss you and molly dearly. i can not believe how much she has grown in the few months you have been gone. i hope you have a very happy thanksgiving. oh and im working at hospitots now!! its a daycare for the kids that have parents working for msha! i love it and working with the kids. you all are so blessed to have a wonderful family and wonderful daughter. we are all praying for you