Thursday, January 08, 2009


As you've noticed in the photo, Stephen is ON. The external device looks a little different from Molly's. Cochlear recently came up with a new option for parents to hook the processor/microphone to the back of the clothing. This "babyworn" clip has a safety pin attached. This way the child only has to have the magnet/coil attached to their head. We did try to put the BTE portion on Stephen and he was not tolerant. We will gradually have to get him to wear it. He really needs the microphone to be behind the ear, especially when he is sitting in a chair/car seat.

Let me back up to activation day. Our appointment was scheduled for 10:00am and Stephen had not had his morning nap so, needless to say, he was fussy and irritable the whole session. Many of you have asked how he reacted when he was first turned-on. His reaction to sound was not as evident to us as it was when Molly was turned-on. Thankfully our Adiologist noticed some reaction amidst the crankiness.

Stephen seems to be on track with his reactions and vocalization in this early stage. He is attempting to localize some higher pitch (ex. Rattle) and loud sounds. I am hearing more vocalization in the form of grunts and mmmm's. He is starting to imitate the long and short syllables of his "learning to listen" sounds from therapy. (for example, the long sound of Mooo for cow vs. the short sounds of Choo Choo for Train) In the past couple days, I've heard him say Ba and Ga. I am so thankful that I took detail notes of Molly's early progress with therapy, so now I have a reference to gauge Stephen's progress. Although they are two totally different kids in personality.

We are TRULY BLESSED to have both children in the hearing world!


Russell Raymer said...

Praise the Lord that all seems to be going well. We are excited for you all and continue to pray that all will continue to go well for both Molly and Stephen. Carena continues to ask at least once a week when we get to go see Molly. Maybe sometime later this year.

John said...

Hey Mike & Robyn! We have a hotel room reserved in Chambersburg tomorrow night (sat. 1/10). We would love to go out to dinner with you guys and catch up. Call me at 423-676-1792 if you want to meet up.

Anonymous said...

Hurrah! Hurrah! This was wonderful to read, you darlings! We thank our God with you that the Lord is enabling your little Setphen to follow his sister into the world of hearing and speaking!
We have a picture of the four Fitzes on our refrigerator as a constant reminder of all you have gone and are going through, AND of the Lord's goodness!

We love you guys,

Walt and Joie