Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Where do I even begin??? It is so exciting to look back over these last three months of activation and see results. Kids are little sponges. They absorb more than we think they do. With an implanted kid, you have no idea what sounds they are taking in until they spit them out.
Last night I wrote down all the sounds/words that Molly understands or at least seems to understand. To my surprise I came up with about 25. She is saying 15+ sounds for specific words. It has been so cool to see Molly’s unbelievable desire to communicate.

She is quite obsessed with "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". If I start to sing the song, without visuals, she will do most of the motions. On occasion, I find her in her highchair or carseat doing the motions and "singing" along. You know, I was singing this to her ad nauseam for the first 2 months and she showed zero interest. I took her to storytime at the library and she saw the librarian and kids singing/doing the motions and she decided it was pretty cool. Go figure!
Here is a picture of our little singer in her rocking chair.


KCC said...

Hi, Cousin! This is great to know! We are going to be in S.C. in March. I don't think we are going to be able to get up to Virginia--we are starting in Miami! Thank you for the update on Molly!

Anonymous said...

Hi Molly, I can't believe how tall you look.I think it is incredible that you are singing and hope that I can witness that event for myself. Got a bit misty eyed - just reading and remembering. Glad to hear that you are still "the boss" . Keep up the good work!